Today’s Sign: Tweets are for Birds
January 10, 2017 by | 2 Comments
Making posters for the Women’s March is getting addictive, I think because it’s cathartic to spell out all the things that have me concerned. The idea for today’s signs came from my mom, who originally wanted tweety bird saying “Tweets are for Birds.” (She’s an artist, so I’ll let her do that one herself — I have concerns about copyright.) I liked the idea though, since I’d been wanting to do something about our unPOTUS’s offhandedly incendiary use of Twitter. In order to make these work, I had to use color– so they could cost a bit more to print than the simple, affordable black and white posters I started with– but the price should still be under $5. For anyone who wants, please feel free to use this Donald Trump twitter bird .jpeg (image) in your own poster!
Thanks for the great idea, Mom!